Friday, July 30, 2010

The Perfect Pancakes and Beautiful Butterflies

Joe and I are not really pancake people. We both prefer waffles for breakfast, or even eggs and sausage when we are having a special breakfast. Consequently neither of our boys have really even had pancakes before.

Well, this morning Jacob woke up and was really sad because Grandpa and Grandma Devereaux left for home. The poor little guy was crying and asking me why they had to go home. So to cheer him up I gave him a picture book I had called "Elephant's Story" that I had been saving for a special occasion. That helped a bit because he and Grandma had played with his toy elephants quite a bit. Then I offered to make him pancakes for breakfast.

I can't even remember the last time I made pancakes, but how hard can it be? I got out the batter and Jacob watched as I made his pancakes. Luckily they turned out beautifully golden brown. Both the boys ate their pancakes for breakfast and really enjoyed them. As a matter of fact, Jacob told me, "These are the best pancakes of my life!".

That made me laugh because they are probably the only pancakes he has ever had thus far!

He asked me if I would make him pancakes again, so I told him I probably would sometime. Then Jacob said, "That would make me SO happy because I LOVE pancakes!"

Looks like I will be adding pancakes to my breakfast menu for the boys! At least they are fast and easy, and Ephraim likes them too.

In other news, today we let some of our butterflies go. We were going to let all of them go, but two of the butterflies were definitely "busy". So we left them in the habitat to see if perhaps they might decided to lay eggs in there.

I really wanted to get a picture of Jacob with a butterfly on his nose. I thought that would be super-cute. He was a little hesitant, so I let him hold the butterflies in his hand.

He thought it was fun to watch the butterflies crawl around on his hands and then fly away. Jacob got to hold two of the butterflies.

Ephraim didn't really want to hold any of the butterflies. He was content with watching. By the time we got to the third butterfly Jacob said I could put it on his forehead. Unfortunately that butterfly flew away too quickly!

Oh well! Maybe we'll get another shot at it when we let the other two butterflies go. It has been really fun to watch the butterflies come out of their chrysalises and fly around. Jacob also enjoyed feeding them and watching the butterflies as they would stick their probosces into the flowers we got for them. Ephraim liked to see their "curly tongue".

We'll see if we end up with some more caterpillars. If not, we may have to do this again next year!


  1. Those butterflies are really neat. They are bigger than I thought they would be.
