Thursday, July 15, 2010

More Pool Boys and the Caterpillar Report

This afternoon we actually made it to swim lessons five minutes early! Usually we are just in time for the boys to jump into the water. Since we had a few minutes to spare, I had the boys pose in front of the pool for me.

Aren't they just the cutest little swimmers ever? I love their swimsuits too because it is nice not to have to put sunscreen all over their backs and bellies. It's much easier just to do their faces and arms.

Jacob looks like quite the little swimmer with his goggles on, doesn't he? The boys have done so well at swimming lessons that we have decided to sign up for another session in August. I'm sure the boys won't mind because they LOVE it.

Here are a few more cute pictures of the boys. Above is Jacob jumping into the water, and below is Jacob dancing on the side of the pool.

Here is Ephraim holding onto the edge of the pool in the deep end. He is much more comfortable in the water now as well.

Ephraim wants to wear goggles just like Jacob does. So after class I let him put on Jacob's. Of course he managed to put them on all skiwampus.

What a funny boy!

I think they look a little better on Jacob, don't you?

In other news, our caterpillars are getting big! Just check out how big they are in their little cup.

We are waiting for them to get big enough to make their chrysalises. We are excited because it should be soon! I'll keep you updated. :o)

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