Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Roofing Report: Shingled Up and Playing at the Park

Getting sick of the roofing report? Me too!
I bet no one is more sick of the roof than Joe and Grandpa! Good thing we are almost done.

Here is the roof this morning. you can see that the back side of the house is completely shingled.

The front side of the house is nearly there. The long rows of shingles tend to go pretty quickly, so this part won't take too long.

Here is the part that took quite a while: the gable. The roofing crew had to figure out how to shingle the gable and have it look right. I think they did an incredible job. By the end of the day they had put the ridge vent on the gable, so now it's all done!

This evening Grandma and I took the boys to another park. This time we went to rotary park. The boys had a great time playing on the equipment. And having Grandma push them on the swings!

It was nice to get away for a little bit and let the boys play. We have been checking our yard for nails with a big magnet, but I still wouldn't exactly want the boys running around there barefoot right now!

While at the park I had a fun time taking pictures of the clouds and a little butterfly that kept whirling around me.

The butterfly reminded me of the butterflies we have at home. All of our butterflies have come out of their chrysalises and we have been enjoying watching them and feeding them. We will probably let them go soon, but the boys have really loved watching them this week!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad Jane had a good time with the boys, it makes me want to come down and see them too.
