Monday, July 5, 2010

Our Home Makeover

Today we got to spend another day with Daddy, since he had today off for the fourth of July. We decided to spend part of our day working on raking out the Randall's rock pile. We figured that they could pay us instead of their landscaper. The boys played on their playset while Joe and I raked, shoveled, and moved rocks with a wheelbarrow. The job took longer than expected, but we got it done!

Later we mostly just relaxed at home. Of course it was blazing hot in the afternoon, so we had some popsicles. My boys know that the best way to eat a Popsicle is to get it all over your face and your clothes. Just check out Ephraim!

Isn't he just so stinking cute all covered with red popsicle?

Know what else looks really good in red? Our house! Here are some shots I took of our home's face lift.

I think the shutters look spectacular! They really make the windows stand out and make our house look much more coordinated and put-together.

Joe even painted the numbers on the front of the house to match! I like the way our trim is red so that the door is nicely outlined as well.

We plan to trim all the edges in red and paint our garage door white. That way it will be white like the front door. Then our house colors will be cream, red and white. Very nice!

Photos definitely don't do it justice! You should stop by our house and see how great it looks! Just wait until we get the new shingles on! Then our house is going to look absolutely fantastic!


  1. Wow! I really like how your house looks, I can't wait to see it.

  2. Joe has really done a nice job.

  3. Your house looks great and so does my yard! THANKS!!!
