Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Weekend Warriors

This weekend Joe and I finally got to go on a bike ride together.

I have been getting up every morning around 5:20 a.m. to go on a bike ride before Joe leaves to ride his bike to work. We have both been enjoying ourselves and wanted to share the experience.

So Melinda and Jason kindly agreed to watch Jacob and Ephraim for us so we could go out together (even though it was Jason's birthday!). Thanks guys! Happy Birthday Jason!

So we got up, packed up the kids and headed to their house. Melinda was also kind enough to take a picture of Joe and I with our bikes.

Don't we look great? Especially with our shiny new bikes!

We rode our bikes from the Randall's house through American Fork and Lehi to Point of the Mountain!! Can you believe it? I actually made it to the top of that ginormous hill! Joe encouraged me and even though it was hard, I did it!

Then on the way home we ended up going east on 700 North... up the hill to the temple. I couldn't believe Joe wanted me to go up ANOTHER huge hill, especially after we had gone so far.

He must know me better than I know myself, because I made it up that hill too. My new bike is awesome! We went 22 miles total in about an hour and a half. We had a great time, and hope to be able to go out together a couple of times a month. I think cycling will be a fun activity that we can do together as a family. Joe and I are already looking at other tours that we can ride in the near future!

The CASVAR bike tour is this weekend and I am pretty confident that I can do the 38 mile ride. I think that Joe is going to ride the 85 mile ride. I'll let you know how it goes!


  1. The picture reminds of a Christmas morning with the kids showing off new bikes! It is almost like Christmas for you both. Enjoy the bikes. Be careful. Enjoy the tour experience this weekend.

  2. Yeah!!! You guys look great. That is an awesome ride, and way to go (it's hard to make it up two hills!!). Good luck with the race this weekend.

  3. I'm glad you had so much fun! Enjoy this weekend!
