Yesterday morning (before I got all excited and distracted by my
new bike!!) some of Jacob's friends came over to play in his new pool. We had Brooklyn, Henry, Kyle and their mommies over. Actually, the party may have been more for me than Jacob, but he didn't mind!
I was afraid that it might be a bit too cold already, but it was a nice hot day. For some reason none of the kids seemed to want to get into the pool by themselves. Finally I put my swimming suit on and got in with Jacob. After that he was all good. He made me play "Ring around the Rosies" with him and had a good time.
We shared popsicles with everyone... Jacob had his in the pool.
The moms had fun talking and the kids ended up playing in the sandbox as well as the pool. As long as everyone is having fun it's ok, right?
In this photo Kyle and Brooklyn were throwing sand on the ball (even though it looks like they were throwing it at each other).
Natalie finally coaxed Brooklyn into the pool, where she dumped water on her head. The funny thing is that Brooklyn LOVED it. She was laughing the entire time. What a character!
I can't believe that school starts on Monday! That means that it is practically fall... when did that happen?
I'm glad the pool is such a big hit! It wasn't a problem to mail it to you at all.