So yesterday afternoon Joe called me from work and said that maybe that evening we could go to Costco and then to the bike shop. He told me that they got in a bike that was my size in the model we have been looking at, so we could go check it out.
We went to Costco and did our shopping. Then we ran to the bike store. While Joe was talking to the guys (like he always does) I ran back to look at the women's bikes. They didn't have a 2009 Trek 1.2 in my size so I was disappointed. I told Joe there wasn't one there, but then they brought one out from the back.
They fitted the bike to me and then I went and took a spin on it. It was SO much better than the bike I have been riding. After I rode it for a while Joe asked me how I liked it. I said it was a great bike and I thought it would be perfect for me. He said that was good because we were going to take it home!! In case you forgot what it looks like, here it is again:

Turns out that he actually bought the bike for me last Saturday as an early birthday present. He knew that was what I really wanted and I could use it for CASVAR next weekend. We had to stop by Melinda's house on the way home so I could show it to her. Then when we got home I had to ride it around the neighborhood for a while.
This morning I took it for a ride (at 5:30 a.m.) and I LOVE it. It is FAST and light and I am really comfortable on it. I think that bicycling is going to be a great hobby for our family. This weekend Joe and I are going to go on a ride together and I am really looking forward to it.
I guess you could say that we are now a Trek family. My parents have both purchased Trek bikes as well as chipped in to help get me this one for my birthday. CASVAR here we come!

p.s. We are also thinking of riding in a bike tour in Heber City in September... on my birthday, actually. I'll let you know what we decide on that one.
It was so much fun to surprise you, but it was hard not to say anything when you called. I was glad to go on vacation so we couldn't talk for a couple of days.
ReplyDeleteLove ya, Mom