Friday, August 29, 2008

Crayon Trouble

We have spent most of this week at home because of Jacob's fever. So as you can imagine the house was a disaster zone today. So I decided it was time to get cleaning. I started in the kitchen and cleaned up my canning messes.

Then we tidied up the upstairs so I could vacuum. Jacob helped pick up toys and then he wanted to help me clean the toilets. Then I got the vacuum out and got started, with Jacob walking around holding my hand the entire time.

As I was vacuuming in the hallway I noticed it. Apparently Jacob had decided that the walls could use some more art. The sad thing is that I have no idea when he actually colored on the wall! I am pretty sure it wasn't today! Who looks at the walls by their knees, right?

So as part of his punishment I had Jacob work on cleaning up the walls. Check this out:

I ended up searching the internet to find out how to get crayon off the walls. Did you know that WD-40 will do it in a jiffy? Now you do! (and so do I!)

1 comment:

  1. Everyone has to try this art project at least once! The video is too cute. I think Jacob will think twice about using crayons on the wall again since he learned it was not easy to clean up.

    I think GOO GONE will also remove it without any trouble and it smells very good. I use it on books to remove stickers. Sometimes it looks like it leaves an oily mark, but it goes away. I get mine at Walmart. I do not like the gel for books, but it might be good for walls.
