That afternoon Joe ended up staying at work late. This is the busy time of the semester when he has to get everything ready for fall semester. While he was gone I worked on my first batch of apricot jam.
Then on Saturday we were super-busy. Joe mowed the lawn, cut the roses, trimmed the tree, weeded, worked on the sprinklers in the garden, and thinned out the peaches on the peach tree. While he was doing all that, I was running my own little jam factory. First Jacob and I went to the store to get some supplies. Then I made four more batches of jam before lunchtime.

After lunch we took a brief break, and then I canned some apricots with Joe's help. By the time we finished the boys were awake and we had dinner. Then I gave Joe a quick haircut... nice and short for the summer. Then Joe gave Jacob the shortest haircut he has had in a long time. His hair turned out really great, and I love it! The best part was that Jacob did not cry the entire haircut! He even told daddy that the razor was getting hot when Joe put it next to his head, but he didn't get upset about it. What do you think of Jacob's hair?

After the haircuts we decided to clean up. I took a shower, and then Jacob took a shower with daddy. He actually stood in the bottom of the shower almost the entire time and it sounded like they were having fun in there.
Then we packed everyone up and headed for Cabella's. Joe decided that since I am getting up every morning before he goes to work to bicycle that I could use some more gear. So we picked up a really nice sports bra, a shirt that wicks away moisture, and a really great jacket. The jacket is really light and has special fabric under the arms for breathability. It is also longer in the back than the front so that when I ride it won't ride up! The best part is that we found the jacket in the bargain barn and got it for only $25 even though it was "on sale" in another part of the store for $80! That made me really happy.
We also picked up head gear for Joe. It is a hood that he can wear in the winter under his helmet. It will keep his head warm and can be worn as a neck warmer, a hood, or a hood with a face mask. It is pretty cool.

After Cabella's closed, we headed to Home Depot. Joe needed a part for one of the sprinklers. We stopped at Target too because I have been trying to find a blow-up kiddie pool for Jacob. I am a little late in the season and haven't managed to find anything. I hope we can find one because it has been really hot and I think Jacob would enjoy a pool even more than the sprinklers.
So we didn't end up getting home until just before 10 p.m. Then we all stopped and dropped. It was a long, busy day!
Today has been a relaxing day by comparison. We did have a funny incident though... at church there was a baby blessing so we had a lot of visitors. There was a lady a few rows up that was wearing a backless dress. Jacob obviously hasn't seen very many of those because he turned to us and said, "Mommy, that girl is naked!"
Luckily I don't think too many people heard him! What a character! Jacob has also taken to calling Ephraim "Eper Beeper", which cracks me up! He came up with it on his own and I think it is pretty cute. If I put Ephraim down on the ground he usually rolls over and I come into the room and find both boys on their tummies, with Jacob cooing "Eper Beeper" at Ephraim over and over. What cute boys!
You're boys are cute. I love the summer haircut!! It's so nice to have boys for that reason. Also, congrats on the new gear. Always good to get something cheap, and new!!!