Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fever Finally Finished!

I am happy to report that this morning Jacob finally woke up without a fever! Hooray!

Whatever nasty bug he caught is still troubling him with a bit of nasal congestion, but that's not so bad in comparison to the past five days. His appetite has returned and he is much less lethargic today.

Joe and I are both a little bit congested, so maybe we caught the bug a little bit too.

In other news, tonight I am back at work at the UVU library after the break between semesters. They have me sitting at a table in front of the digital signage in the lobby. The reference desk and circulation desks still have not arrived. Last I heard they were supposed to be shipped on August 8th... but still no sign of them!

It is kind of silly to be in a beautiful new building and have to sit at a makeshift desk. The information commons with all the computers is not up and running yet either... because we don't have the furniture. It is so much fun to explain to students where things are now and where they are supposed to be!

Right now out in the parking lot they are having a drive-in-movie. Apparently they are watching Iron Man (anyone seen that one?). For a while I wondered what was going on out there because they brought in a large inflatable arch that they blew up and attached the screen to. Pretty ingenious really.

I would stay and watch, but I haven't really seen much of Joe in the past four days and I am looking forward to getting home. He worked late Monday and Tuesday getting everything ready for school to start. Then yesterday he had his Elder's Quorum Presidency meeting. I am looking forward to a long Labor Day weekend at home with my entire family! I think Joe and I may try to go on a long bike ride Monday and spend some time together. That will be SO nice!

1 comment:

  1. glad to hear that Jacob is feeling better. My kids had fun playing with him this past weekend.
