Thursday, June 12, 2008

Three months old

Dear Ephraim,

My sweet baby boy... Can you believe that it has only been three short months since you joined our family? Somehow it seems to me that you have always been a part of our family and I can't imagine life without you! We love you so much and are so glad you came to us.

I can't believe how much you have changed in three months! When we first brought you home from the hospital you spent most of your time sleeping (with the exception being the wee hours around 1-4 AM), and I would get up with you three or four times a night. Now you will sleep all night and wake up around 6 or 7 AM. It is SO wonderful and you have a much happier mommy.

Another improvement is the amount of diapers that we change in a day. I swear that when we brought you home we probably used at least 15 diapers a day... no joke! But now we only use about 6 or so. Not only is that more pleasant for mommy and daddy, it is also much more economical!

I can't believe how much you've grown in three months! When you were born you were so tiny. You looked so skinny and had the cutest little chicken legs. Now you are starting to get those cute chubby baby rolls that I love so much! You are such a cute, happy, healthy boy.

You are starting to show us your little personality. You make the greatest faces and have the cutest little dimpled smile. I love to sit and talk with you. You were a very quiet baby at first and mostly just cried when you were upset, but you have certainly found your voice. It is fun to hear all the sounds you make and the cute expressions on your face.

Your Daddy calls you Mr. Wiggles because you move a whole lot more than you used to! Daddy and I think that you are getting close to rolling over, can you believe it?! I took this video of you this week when you were feeling especially wiggly.

You are getting so strong! All that wiggling has made some pretty good muscles! You hold your head up whenever I put you on my shoulder for some burps (you are a champion burper, by the way!), and you are getting better at lifting it up when I put you on your tummy.

I love that you are becoming aware of the world around you. Whenever I come to get you out of your crib you look right at me with your beautiful, deep-blue eyes and then flash that dimpled smile at me. You are so cute it melts my heart! You are constantly looking around and discovering new things. Just this week you discovered that you have hands... and they are yummy (but only if you shove in the whole fist)!

We love you so much! We look forward to all the months and milestones to come.

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