Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Are you smarter than a two-year-old?

This afternoon I was just feeding Ephraim when Jacob woke up from his afternoon nap. Sometimes when Jacob wakes up he wants a little snuggle time with mommy, but that's not possible when I'm busy with Ephraim.

Me: Hey buddy! Did you have a good nap?
Jacob: Good nap!
Me: Oh good.
Jacob: Mommy put Ephraim down in bouncy seat.
Me: Mommy can't put Ephraim down because he's hungry and I need to finish feeding him.
Jacob: Put Ephraim down in bouncy seat!
Me: (in an effort to distract Jacob) Look outside! It's all cloudy.
Jacob: Oh!
Me: I hope it doesn't rain! What will we do if it rains?
Jacob: Get wet.

1 comment:

  1. Jacob is going to be quite the thinker as he grows older.

