Sunday, June 29, 2008

You play while we sleep

Isn't sleeping in on the weekend absolutely heavenly?

Joe and I don't usually get to sleep in because our boys wake up so early. Well, this weekend we slept in regardless of the boys. On Saturday Ephraim woke up at his usual time: 6 a.m. So I got up and fed him his bottle. Just as I was finishing with Ephraim, Jacob walked through the door. So I got him a cup of milk and put him back in his bed. Then I went back to bed and cuddled with Joe. Of course we both passed back out.

We didn't end up getting up until about 8 a.m. Jacob had been up since he finished his milk and let us sleep. He just played by himself and read books while we dozed. It was really nice.

Saturday was really busy. Joe finished up our new sprinkler set-up for the garden while I worked on getting the house nice and clean. We were going to have company over for dinner on Sunday, so I figured it was a good time for some deep cleaning. Later in the evening we all went shopping for a little while.

We worked really hard on Saturday and got to bed a little later than usual. So we were pretty tired. On Sunday the same thing happened. I fed Ephraim, got Jacob his milk, and then went back to bed. Only this time we slept until 8:50 a.m.!!! I think that is a record for us. I am so amazed that Jacob is such a good boy and will let us sleep in without destroying the house. Of course by the time we got up he had taken nearly all of the books off his bookshelf in the process of reading them, but who can complain? When we finally did get up Jacob was so happy and cheerful. I love that little boy!

Today we had the Heatons over for dinner after church. They are new in our ward and it was fun to get to know them better. We really should have people over to our house more often because we always have a nice time. Well, gotta go. Tomorrow I definitely won't get to sleep in!


  1. The last time the kids let Mike sleep in, they managed to spill chocolate milk on my rug. I think I would have preferred them waking up Mike.

  2. Lucky for me that my boys can't open up the refrigerator!
