Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What a blast, you've been Slimed!

So yesterday was a bit of an explosive day at our house.

Oh it started out innocently enough. In the morning I walked down to the library with the boys to return our books and checkout some new ones. We decided to walk because it's not that far and it saves us on gas. Then we came home and while I fed Ephraim we read ALL of the new library books (except Mommy's of course). Then we went to hang the laundry out to dry. I should clarify, I put the laundry up while Jacob played in the sandbox. Then we had lunch and before long it was naptime... my favorite time of day!

So I listened to a book on CD while pedaling my exercise bike. Then I needed to get ready for work. Then I got a call from Joe. Apparently his tire blew out on him on his way home from work... it just went ka-pow! as Jacob would say.

So I went and picked him up and hurried and got ready and went to work. I took a tour of the new library building so that when it opens next month I know where things are. It would look a bit silly for the librarian to be asking where things are, don'tcha think?

Later while I was at work I got a call from Joe. He took the boys to Wal-mart and got a new tire and some Slime for his bike. Then he came home and went about getting the new tire on the rim and filled up. Something went wrong (ask him about it, I can't remember how it happened exactly) and ka-blam! that tire blew. Only this time it splattered Slime all over the garage and Joe. He was a bit worried about getting some in his eyes and it freaked me out a little too. But he had done the right thing by flushing his eyes out with water immediately, so it was all ok.

So Joe is fine, but the garage looks like this:

And his rim looked like this:

I was not having the best night at work myself. I was working on my other blogs, and I couldn't get them to do what I wanted them to. It was incredibly frustrating. Then I told Joe I would pick up a new tire for him on my way home... but I had forgotten my wallet. So no tire.

Jacob was still awake when I got home because the neighbor had come by to ask Joe to fix her computer. So I got to see him and put him to bed. Joe helped me with my blogs and we didn't end up going to bed until almost 11 pm, which is really late for us. I guess I'm just glad that the day got over and no one got hurt!


  1. Look at you go. I look forward to reading those too.

  2. Wow - you mean you don't like that look for your garage? I'm glad no one was hurt too. Gotta love the late nights.
