Sunday, January 2, 2011

Home Again

We decided to head home on Thursday, Dec. 30th. That way we had Friday and Saturday to recuperate from our vacation and get everything ready for our regular schedule to start up the next week.

The first part of our drive home was not too bad. I drove from Tucson to Wickenburg. It was a bit rainy, but not too bad. We hit a few spots where it was raining really hard and the road was covered with water, but we made it through. As we kept driving there was less and less precipitation.

The scariest part of our drive was just outside of Kingman, AZ. It must have rained and then froze because the roads were a solid sheet of ice. Joe did a great job driving, but there were many people off the side of the road. It did not look like the roads had been salted or sanded, but it is likely they don't have many plows out there.

We saw a semi truck off the road in the median, and it was apparent that he had jack-knifed from our lane and was facing the opposite direction. We saw a car off the side of the road that had flipped over onto it's top, but there did not appear to be anyone inside anymore. We saw several cars that had slid off the side of the road.

If all this wasn't scary enough, we almost saw a semi truck get into an accident. As we headed down a depression in the road just before a small hill, we saw that on the other lane of the freeway there was a car just barely off the road. A policeman and another vehicle had stopped and were trying to get the car back on the road. A semi truck was headed in their direction. He wasn't going very fast... maybe 15 miles per hour. But as he tried to slow down his trailer kept going forward but his cab started to go sideways. The trailer finally stopped, but not before one set of wheels lifted off the ground a little bit. For a minute there I thought the trailer was going to tip over. Luckily it didn't. The semi was blocking both lanes of traffic, but didn't go off the road and as we crept away I could see that the driver was trying to straighten himself out and get back on the road.

I was so grateful when we finally made it to Kingman in one piece. We stopped for breakfast and I could barely eat anything because of what we had just seen. It was my turn to drive and the roads were bare as we headed towards Vegas. The worst part of the drive was over. The rest of the roads were bare, thank goodness!

We did see snow in places that don't get very much.

Here are some of the mountains just before and after St. George.

The red rocks were pretty with the snow on them.

The boys did a great job on the drive home. We hit some heavy snow around Santaquin, but by the time we got to Spanish fork and Provo it had mostly stopped. We decided to go to eat dinner before heading home and stopped at a place the boys could play for a minute. Joe and I were absolutely exhausted, but the boys had energy to spare!

The next day we unpacked. We were all tired, but glad to be home. Jacob almost cried with joy when he saw his own room and bed. Ephraim on the other hand told me he wanted to go back to Grandpa and Grandma's, which is funny because when we were there he kept saying he wanted to go home. He was a bit grouchy, but I think Jacob was the same at that age after a long trip.

So when Ephraim wanted to take his nap on the floor of his room, I didn't argue with him.

Friday evening we ended up going to a New Year's party at the Randalls. They were kind enough to invite us last minute, and we all had a great time. We actually celebrated the New Year at midnight- EST. That way we got to go home and put the kids in bed before 11, which was nice.

Saturday we got busy putting away the Christmas decorations. We got the tree down and put a lot of the other decorations away. Ephraim was really sad to see the tree come down.

Before I put my wedding ring quilt away, I had to take some pictures of the boys in their pajamas like I did last year.

It is amazing to me how much they've grown! Even more amazing is that next year I will have another little person to add to the picture!

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