Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Friendly Boys

This week Ephraim's playgroup was at our house on Wednesday. Ephraim loves that he has his own group of friends and he gets to have his friends come over and play at our house.

So when we dropped Jacob off for preschool, we picked up Clara to take her to our house. We also had Garrett, Cameron, and their mommies at our house for playgroup. It was a lot of fun. We read a story about snowmen and made a snowman face out of a paper plate. So much fun!

After everyone else left, Ephraim and Clara were playing together at our house until Karyn came back with Jacob. They were "reading" books together, which was so cute that I had to get out my camera.

Ephraim would get a book and ask Clara to read it to him. She would say "o.k." and then start to tell Ephraim a story based on the pictures. It made me laugh!

They were playing so nicely together and it was just adorable. At this age you never can tell if they are going to play cooperatively, or throw a fit because their friend is playing with their toys! So you have to capture these golden moments when they happen!

When Karyn got to my house to drop off Jacob, she told me to grab my camera and go to her van because the boys were "hiding". This is what Jacob and Micah were doing. Jacob is in the blue coat.

How funny are these guys? We can still see you- even with your hood over your head!


  1. I love when little kids read! Great pics!

  2. Ephriam and Clara look like they are having a great time. I'm glad the boys have such good friends, you're teaching them how to be a good friend and have good friends.

  3. I think it's great that our kids are such good friends. I would love a copy of these pictures please!
