Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Snow Today, Smush Tomorrow

What a busy Tuesday! This morning I had my 32 week OB appointment. Joe stayed home to watch the boys and paint the white walls of the baby's room while I ran to the doctor. Usually by this point (32 weeks) my blood pressure has started to creep up and I get sent to the hospital to do non-stress tests and a 24-hour urine test. Then typically I have to go to the doctor every week instead of every two weeks. All of the testing and appointments only made my blood pressure increase to the point that I was induced early with both my boys. So I was a little nervous for my appointment this morning. I was thrilled when my blood pressure remained low enough and everything looks great!

Today my doctor actually asked me if I intended to let the baby come when she wanted to or if I wanted to be induced. I told him that I would have to think about it because I have never had that choice before! Wahoo!

So my appointment was shorter than I expected and I went home and sent Joe to work. Then around lunchtime I met up with Melinda and Karyn at Article Circle. We ate lunch together and let the kids play on the play equipment, since the weather was cold and nasty today. Then the boys and I went to UVU for a short visit to see Daddy's new office. Since Joe is leaving for a conference in St. George tomorrow, we decided to run in and take a quick peak at his new space. Joe just moved in to his own office and he has a HUGE wood desk with cabinets and THREE computer monitors all lined up. The boys and I thought it was pretty cool and plan to go visit Daddy another day when he is less busy to go do lunch.
When we got home there was some snow in the driveway. Since everything was o.k. at the OB, I decided it wouldn't be a big deal to shovel off the driveway so Joe could put the second coat of white on the baby's room tonight.

So boys and I went out and shoveled the driveway. While we were shoveling Ephraim decided he was tired and done helping out, so I took him inside for his nap. Then I went back out to help Jacob shovel. When we were finished Jacob asked me if he could stay outside and play for a bit. I told him that would be fine.

Jacob had a great time in the back yard. I got out some of the sandbox toys and he went to town with them.

He was so cute I had to go get my camera. He was shoveling a path to the sandbox and digging around in the snow. Jacob played outside for a little while before we both went inside for quiet time.

When Ephraim woke up from his nap he wanted to go play in the snow too. I told him that we would have to wait and see since it was dinner time. After dinner Joe and I discussed it and decided that even though it was getting dark the boys could play in the snow in the back yard for a little while.

So we bundled them up, turned on the back porch light, and let them at it. Would you believe that the boys played outside for an hour before we finally made them come back inside?! I was sure they would come in sooner because it was cold, but when they came in their faces were red because they were warm, not because they were cold!

Jacob and Ephraim had a great time playing in the snow, and I don't think there is a square foot of snow in the back yard that does not have a little boy footprint in it! I guess it's a good thing because it looks like most of the snow will melt tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Boys and snow seem to go together don't they? I like that Jacob made a trail to the sandbox to play with his sandbox toys.
