Monday, January 10, 2011

The Boys Room- Blue with Bunk Beds

Well, we are fully back into the swing of things. This week we had preschool, playgroup, and music makers. On top of that, Joe started to teach his class at UVU. He is teaching a class on VMware on Monday and Wednesday nights from 5:30 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. So he doesn't come home from work on those nights until at least 7:30 p.m. It will be hard not having Daddy home for that long, but hopefully the boys and I will survive!

In other news, we have started reading the Book of Mormon together as a family. Last year our bishop challenged Joe and I to go to the temple. This has been his challenge nearly every year as bishop. This time we were ready to report that we went almost every month last year! So of course we got a new bishopric and a new challenge! We did pretty well reading together this week. The only day we missed was Tuesday, and that was because Joe and I went to Ward Temple Night. Hopefully we can keep it up throughout the year. I got some shiny star stickers to put on our calender each day we do it, which helps the boys stay motivated.

It was another busy weekend at the Devereaux household as well. Among other things, we found all the parts to the bunk beds and decided that now was as good a time as any to get them put together. With the help of my friend Stacy, who was visiting me, we got the beds put together. So here is a picture of the boys on their new beds!

 It is also a pretty good shot of the blue wall behind their beds, which looks so great! You can see in the next picture that the boys like to hand their capes on the posts of their beds, which I think is really fun. (the wall in the foreground really isn't that light... that is how it looks with the flash bouncing off it).

Jacob thinks being on the top bunk is pretty cool. We are just glad that it isn't that close to the ceiling! We wouldn't want him bonking his head!

Ephraim wasn't too convinced about being on the bottom bunk... until Stacy showed him that he could make his bed into a tent! Now Ephraim has the cool bunk!

I think the boys will do a pretty good job of sharing a room. I am sure it will be a bit of an adjustment, but they will do great! We even got Ephraim to take a nap on his new bed that afternoon.

The other thing that happened this weekend is that I got a nasty cold! No fun when you are pregnant! By Sunday morning I was all croaky and could barely talk. But I still went to church and taught my primary class. Way to go me!

1 comment:

  1. I love the blue wall, can't wait to see the new green wall in the babies room.
