Monday, January 17, 2011

Wall of Books

What a weekend! Joe was busy most of the weekend working the baby's room, which means I was busy keeping the boys busy. Friday night while I was at a dinner with a bunch of girl friends, Joe worked on getting Ephraim's new dresser put together. Then on Saturday morning I worked on getting all Ephraim's clothes into his new dresser and then we moved the baby's dresser into the boy's room. That way the baby's room was empty and Joe could start painting the green wall- hooray!

I am excited to see how the baby's room is going to turn out. I like the boys' room with it's blue wall, and so I am sure it will be just as nice to have the baby's room all freshly painted.

The boys did pretty good at keeping themselves occupied while Mommy and Daddy were busy. At one point I was in my room and noticed that the boys kept getting books from the small bookshelf with the board books. It is temporarily located at the end of the hallway. When I asked Jacob what was going on, he informed me that they were making a wall of books. So I had to go see what they were doing.

Sure enough! They made a "wall of books". I just had to go get my camera and take a picture of the boys quietly reading with their wall of books on the table. What a pair of cuties!

After our busy Saturday, I ended up spending most of Sunday in bed. I woke up Sunday morning and did not feel good at all. I tried to throw up when I woke up, but there was nothing in my stomach. I felt a bit better later and ate a piece of toast, which I lost after about an hour. I felt better after that, but was tired. I was also tired of being sick. After having a cold for a week and just starting to get over it, I was not to happy to get a stomach bug!

So Joe took the boys to church without me and I stayed home and took a nap. By the end of the day I felt much better. I was also happy that I did not have to teach preschool Monday so I could have another day to recuperate!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the wall of books! Those pictures are adorable!
