Monday, January 24, 2011

The Sprinkle that Became a Downpour

My dear friend Melinda was kind enough to throw me a "Baby Sprinkle" over the weekend. Since I already have two boys I don't need ALL the baby supplies, but I definitely don't have anything girly for a baby! So we had a sprinkle instead of a shower.

Friday afternoon Grandma and Grandpa Heiner arrived at our house along with Aunt Deanna and her kids. The boys were excited to see Grandpa and they loved having their cousin Braydon to play with.

Saturday morning was the day of the party. I had been looking forward to it all month! It was fun to get together with my closest friends and have a party-- a pink and girly party! First we had brunch with yummy breakfast breads and juice. Just check out this spread! Yum-o!

Then I got to open all the wonderful presents my friends brought. I have to say that despite it being a sprinkle, I definitely got showered with gifts! I got the cutest clothes, blankets and accessories- oh the accessories! Hair bows, hats, headbands, socks, tutus, you name it! Having a girl is going to be so much fun!

 I even got presents from some of the people that I invited who couldn't come to the party. My cute Aunt Nancy sent some very nice gifts, as did my mother- and sister-in-law. It was so much fun to open everything. Girl clothes really are more fun than boy clothes if you ask me (but then again, I am a girl!).

Since I am not a big fan of silly shower games, Melinda organized a craft. We used cute fabric and templates to applique a whole bunch of onesies. They turned out absolutely adorable and I can't wait to put them on my little girl.

I even got a picture of each guest with her onesie so I know who made which one! Here are the guests and their onesies.

Melinda, Andrea, Michelle and Karyn
Michelle, Deborah, Jilynne and Brenda (not pictured)
Jeanette, Me, Deanna and Marisa, and Marilyn (mom)

It was such a wonderful party and I feel so blessed to have so many fabulous friends and family. I truly felt loved. Thanks so much for the sprinkle Melinda!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that you had so much fun! It was a wonderful sprinkle! The onesies turned out fabulous!
