Monday, July 14, 2008

Ephraim at Four Months

Can you believe that Ephraim is four months old now? Just look at how big he is getting!

He is such a cute boy! In the last month he has decided that his hand (and everything else) belongs in his mouth. So far it doesn't look like he's getting any teeth, he's just exploring his world with his tongue.

Ephraim's little personality is showing more each day. Each morning we wake up to hear him cooing in his crib. When we walk in to get him, his little face breaks into a huge smile. He loves to babble at us, and he gives us all big dimpled smiles. He loves to be bounced up and down as if he was jumping on his pudgy little legs. He is starting to figure out how to laugh, and that is the best way to get him to do it.

Ephraim's hair has been getting lighter each week. I think he may end up being a blondie just like his brother. He is also getting better at sitting up and holding his head up when we put him on his tummy.

Ephraim has rolled over once, but hasn't repeated it yet. I'm sure that before long he will be rolling around and then crawling. They grow up so fast!

Ephraim has been sleeping through the night for a while now, which is fabulous! He usually wakes up around 6:30. That's about when Jacob wakes up, so we all cuddle in bed for a little while. I have so much fun with my boys, and we love them both so much.


  1. He is such a sweet boy, it just melts a grandma's heart to see that grin!

    Love, Mom

  2. Oh, he is so precious! I just always love to kiss that boy!
