Monday, July 28, 2008

Week in review... with cute Ephraim photos!

The past week has been a fun and busy one for us.

Thursday was Pioneer Day, so Joe had the day off. He got up early and went on a long bike ride. He made it all the way to the top of Point of the Mountain. That is quite a climb and we were very proud of him.

The rest of the day we spent at home working on projects. I worked on a quilt that I am making for Jacob and some Christmas presents for my nieces (Christmas in July, right?). Joe mowed the lawn and worked on his bike. In the late afternoon we caught up on some TV shows that we had recorded, so that was fun.

Then on Friday Joe went to work in the morning while I went to Melinda's house to do some crafting (more on that later!). I absolutely LOVE going and spending time with Melinda. We have so much fun and make the cutest things!

We went from Melinda's house straight to UVU to pick up Joe. The boys were asleep in the car so we ran some quick errands... leaving one of us in the car while the other ran into the store. We went to Costco where I ended up feeding Ephraim on one of their couches (that's what they are there for, right?). Then we went to the bike store. I think I am almost as excited as he is to get him a new bike to ride to work on... I swear Joe could spend HOURS in the bike store.

As a matter of fact, Ephraim fell asleep in his car seat while we were there and Jacob fell asleep on ME! We got them home and Jacob crashed. He had a fever and wasn't feeling well that evening, but was doing better by Saturday.

That evening we went to the Pioneer Day celebration for our stake. We were a little late because I was finishing up my marmalade, but there was plenty of food. It turned out pretty well because the clouds rolled in just as we sat down to eat. Phew! Then it wasn't so hot. We got to visit with our neighbors... and I didn't have to cook dinner!

Sunday Joe gave a talk in church. Everyone said that he did a great job. I thought so too, even though there was only about 5 minutes left because he was the concluding speaker.

So that's the week in a nutshell. Ephraim can now roll from his back to his stomach... and then back again. Every time I put him down on his back and walk away he rolls over! His back and neck are getting so much stronger that we decided to see how he liked the bouncer and exersaucer.

Here is a picture of Ephraim in the bouncer and the exersaucer. He thought they were very interesting. He especially liked to look at all the toys on the exersaucer.

I also managed to get a cute video of Ephraim in the bouncer. I think that by the time we got Jacob in this and the exersaucer he was almost too big for them. Ephraim will definitely enjoy them for quite a while!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness he is growing and he is so cute! I love those pictures, I'll definitely have to show them to your dad. Keep up the good blogging, I really enjoy it.

    Love ya,
