Thursday, July 3, 2008

Good Hair Day

Yesterday I finally went and got a haircut. I can't even remember the last time I had a haircut. All I know is that it was before Ephraim was born, and I had Joe trim it for me (his "trim" took off about an inch and a half!).

It seems that I have just been so busy with Ephraim that I haven't had time for a haircut. My hair was finally driving me crazy enough that I had to do something about it. I left both of my kids with Karyn (Thanks!) and went to get it done!

I was thinking of doing something drastic, but then my more reasonable self intervened. So my "drastic" part of this haircut was getting long bangs cut. I wasn't sure I would like them, but I really do! What do you think? Didn't Julie do a great job?

I think I did a pretty good job of taking my own picture too, don't you?

I also got it layered through the back. It is a bit lighter for summer and it feels great. Maybe next year I will get it cut short... but I'm a bit of a chicken and my husband likes my hair long, so maybe not. :o)


  1. I like the haircut. It's okay to be brave, and do something drastic.

  2. It looks super pretty. I'm a fan!
