Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Peek-a-boo, I See You!

On Saturday we spent some time together as a family... watching movies, playing, etc. While Joe and I were watching some recorded TV on our computer I looked over and caught the boys like this:

Apparently Ephraim is VERY interested in watching Jacob play. He can probably tell already that Jacob is more fun than we parents are.

I know that Jacob will be excited when Ephraim can play with him. He tries to get Ephraim to play with him right now, but of course Ephraim doesn't know what to do yet. Here is Ephraim "playing CARS" with Jacob.


  1. We keep finding new cars to send, so there will be lots for both boys to play with.

  2. Ephraim is going to be crawling before you know it. His motivation will certainly be to follow and play with his big brother.

    Love, Mom
