Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Milestone a Minute

We have been going through a whole bunch of developmental milestones at our house recently. Jacob and Ephraim are both growing up so fast!

As I posted previously, Ephraim has started to eat rice cereal and we will be introducing other baby foods to him in the coming months. He is also figuring out how to roll from back to front. Best of all, Ephraim is learning to laugh. It is so much fun to try to get him to giggle!

Jacob has been doing an awesome job at potty training. By the third day of potty training we had no accidents and we even went out shopping with Jacob in underwear! He was such a big boy and went to the bathroom in two stores yesterday. Then today we even took Jacob to church in underwear and it went just fine. He has caught on to using the potty so quickly and I am proud of my smart little boy.

It is amazing how much of a big boy Jacob seems to be when he is running around in his underwear. It is so stinking cute!


  1. I see London, I see France, I see Jacob in underpants!!!!

  2. Glad it's going well for you. Potty training Ashton was a nightmare!!

  3. Nice work, mommy! Potty training can be brutal!
