Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sprinkler Soaking

This week we have been fun playing in the water. I don't know why I didn't get the sprinkler out before now, but Jacob sure has enjoyed it. I can turn the sprinkler on and get in a good half hour of relaxing reading!

Here was Jacob's first sprinkler experience of this summer on Tuesday night while Joe was at his Elder's Quorum Presidency meeting. At first he was a little hesitant because the water was a little bit cold, but before long he decided it was fun.

I never did get Jacob to run through the sprinkler, but I did get him to experiment with putting his foot on it, and picking it up. He was so funny!

Then on Wednesday we went over to the Smith's house and Jacob and Alyssa played in her Elmo sprinkler. Once again, Jacob wasn't sure he liked it at first. He kept wanting me to do it with him, or "help Jacob". (In other words, put down that silly camera, mom!)

But after a while he decided it was ok. I hear that going to the public pool is a bit of a hassle right now (plastic pants, anyone?) because of the problems they had last summer. Maybe we'll have to settle for sprinklers for a while. Besides, aren't Jacob and Alyssa so cute?

Now if only there was a way you could let your kids play outside in the water and sun without having to goop them up with sunscreen! But I guess sunscreen is definitely preferable to a nasty sunburn. I know that I am miserable when I get burned, so I can only imagine how much fun a sunburned two-year-old would be!


  1. We need to play a day with Jacob, Alyssa and Brooklyn to play in the sprinklers because Brooklyn LOVES it.

    Oh and as for your sunscreen problem?? I have found the perfect solution... spray on! I tried it last summer and then got some again this year. LOVE IT!

  2. Yes, spray on is the way to go. We use it here in Arizona. Emily uses it whenever she is outside for more than 20 minutes, and it is available at Costco. I don't know about a child's version.

    The slip and slide would give you lots of water, but at 2 they don't know how to slide too well. It does spray you off pretty good. Dig it out and see what happens.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love watching Jacob trying to get up enough courage to go through the sprinkler. He is so much fun to watch.

    Love, Mom

  5. Sprinklers are so nice to have in the summer. What would we do without them to entertain our kids?
