Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rainy morning and Amelia

When I woke up this morning the sky was still dark and gloomy from all the rain we had overnight. It was so dark outside that I wanted to go cuddle back up in bed or curl up with a good book....or twelve!

Can you believe the pile of books on my bedside table?! I guess that's what happens when you are a librarian and you work in the YA section of the library. I hear about all these great books and just have to check them out or put them on hold. Wouldn't you know all my holds come in at the same time!!

But I am a mommy, so of course I did not stay in bed or read a book. I had way to much to do! Cooking, cleaning, laundry, chauffeuring, diapering... the list goes on! But it's not so bad. Especially when you get to spend your day taking care of cute little ones like Amelia (and her brothers)!
I thought she looked particularly cute this morning in her ruffle top onesie and the black headband with a rose.

She is such a good baby! Content to hand around and play with toys and watch her brothers. I love this stage where they aren't really mobile yet, but can sit and play with toys. So fun!


  1. Oooo...I need reviews on many of these books :)

  2. You'd better get reading. That is a LOT of books!

  3. That pile of books looks like a lot of good reading. Amelia is so so cute! She sure is getting big!
