Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hee Haws Field Trip and Halloween Story Time

This year I did not make it to Jacob's Kindergarten fieldtrip to Hee Haw Farms, but I did get to go with Ephraim and his preschool class! We had a great time!

First we had to check out the enormous pumpkins at the entrance. Wow! They were huge!

Then Ephraim spotted a tractor that he just had to go sit on. Actually, he wanted to get on every tractor that we saw while we were there! Silly boy.

 Next we decided to go down the big slide while it wasn't busy. The kids took turns going down the slide on a gunny sack. How fun!

At first I couldn't talk Ephraim into going down the slide, but after he went down once with Clara, he couldn't get enough of it!

Next we went and looked at the animals. Ephraim was not too keen on the larger animals, like the goats... but he didn't seem to mind the ducks and the bunnies.

 After the petting zoo, we tried to take pictures of our little group of animals. Here are the best pictures that I got (where each of the kids actually has their head in one of the holes).

The second one is my favorite: Ty, Ephraim, Clara, Jonathan and Justin (though I may have those last two mixed up as I can't tell them apart).
Next we went through the courtyard and stopped for a while to play in the corn box. Yep! It's like a sandbox, but it has corn kernels in it!

Karyn was kind enough to take a picture of me and my little passenger.

I carried Amelia in the Moby wrap the entire time. I figured it would be easier than trying to push her in the stroller. She didn't seem to mind it, except when she got tired. Eventually she fell asleep, strapped onto Mommy.

Next we went on a hay ride and then headed off to the corn maze.

I got this really nice picture of Clara, Ephraim and Ty... right before one of the twins started chasing Ty and he ran off. Poor Brenda had to run off after him!

But we managed to keep track of all the kids and went to pick our pumpkins. Ephraim loved picking out his very own pumpkin.

By this point we had to run home to get Jacob from Kindergarten. I did manage to snag this picture of Ephraim at the exit. What a tall boy!

After picking up Jacob we ran home, ate lunch, put on our costumes, and ran to the library for their Halloween story time and party. The boys both dressed up in their Buzz costumes. They had a great time playing games. Here is Ephraim with some "eyeballs" on spoons. He was not content to do one at a time, he had to use two spoons!

Here is Jacob working on a skeleton puzzle.

The boys had a great time at the Halloween party at the library. They love going to the library each week to hear stories. I love going too because I know it is good for the kids and I get to hear about great books as well!