Sunday, October 23, 2011

My three ghosts

I made all the kids really cute applique ghost shirts for Halloween, so of course I had to take some pictures of them. On Sunday after church we decided to go take a few pictures. I found a cool old house that had some really cool colors and textures for the pictures.

Here are  my ghost boys.

Here are my kids being "scary". I think they are too cute to be scary!

Look at those eyebrows on Amelia. She wasn't really smiling for pictures with her brothers, but at least she wasn't crying.She kept wanting to look over at the boys and see what they were doing instead of looking at Mommy.

I had the boys give Amelia a kiss on the cheek, and I love how this picture turned out. She isn't quite sure what she thinks about that!

Here is my little ghost girl. What a cutie! I think the tutu I made turned out pretty well! It is plenty big and will fit her for a long time to come!

Love this smile on her face! Now if only I had straightened up her hair a little bit!

I guess I should see if I can make her hair look a little better in Photoshop, but for now these will have to do.

See, I really did get her to smile for me!

What a cutie patootie!

I also took a few pictures of my three kids together. I didn't really coordinate their outfits, since I did not plan to take their pictures together except for in their ghost shirts, but I don't think they turned out half bad.

If only I had gotten Amelia to smile! Oh well, at least she is looking at me!

I may have to one of these next ones printed to put up in the living room. What a bunch of cuties!


  1. What a cute bunch of ghosties! I want a 5 x 7 of one of those last pictures of all three kids, they are way cute.
