Thursday, February 17, 2011

Due Date Discovery

Hooray for good Doctor's appointments! On Tuesday I went to the doctor again and was all prepared with a record of how my blood pressure has been over the last couple of days. There wasn't even a need to show it to the doctor because my blood pressure was fine the first time they took it. Phew! That means no hospital visit or stress test for me this week!

That made it a lot easier for me to relax and have fun with preschool on Wednesday. I had the letter R, so we read books about robots and made some fun robots as our craft. Of course I was so busy that I did not get any pictures taken, but Jacob and Ephraim have been in love with a book I read called "Wendell's Workshop" ever since. I guess choosing "robots" as a topic was a good choice!

Ephraim's playgroup was cancelled (again!), which isn't unusual lately as everyone has been getting ill. Luckily Karyn offered to let Ephraim play at her house with Clara while I did preschool, which makes it a bit easier.

Speaking of Ephraim, I have been thinking about trying to get ready for his birthday as well as the day the baby will be born. As my due date creeps closer, I have been thinking about what day our daughter might actually be born.

Even though my blood pressure was good this week, I know that if my blood pressure goes up, they will want to induce me two weeks early. This isn't a huge problem, except for the fact that I am due on March 22nd. So my 38th week starts on March 8th.... and Ephraim's birthday is March 10th. It's not that having birthdays close is a huge problem, but I don't particularly want to be in the hospital on Ephraim's birthday, you know?

So as I was thinking about when my daughter would be born and about how I was induced early with both my boys I realized something.... I had to go back and look at some older blog posts to confirm it, but there is was! Three years ago Ephraim was due to be born on March 22nd!

So Ephraim and his sister share the same due date! How funny is that?

I wonder what else they will have in common?

p.s. Wasn't Ephraim a cutie?

1 comment:

  1. That is really funny that they are due on the same day. You have got some talent to be able to do that!
