Monday, February 21, 2011

My Boys are Puzzled

I love it when I go to check on the boys (because it is TOO quiet for once) and they are actually doing something that they should be doing! This morning as I was cleaning up in the kitchen I went to check on the boys and found them in the living room doing a puzzle together.

How cute is that? The boys were cooperating and having fun together. I love it!

Ephraim is especially into puzzles right now. Most of the time he does not want Jacob to help him because he can do it by himself! So it was nice to see them doing this together.

Ephraim is actually really good at puzzles. Especially for a two year old. He can put together this 60 piece "firetruck" puzzle by himself. He will put a puzzle together and then take it apart and do it all over again ("Let's do it again!"). I am constantly going downstairs to our pile of puzzles to get him a different puzzle to work on!

I actually really enjoy puzzles too. Maybe one day in the near future we can all do some larger puzzles together!

Today we were a bit off our routine. It was President's  Day, so we didn't have preschool. Daddy was supposed to have the day off, but he had some stuff he needed to get done at work. So he went to work and the boys and I just hung out at home. I think I did about 4 loads of laundry today. It was crazy.

I tried to keep the boys amused during the day as well, which is no small task. Sometimes we break out games or even my camera. Here is Ephraim after insisting that I take his picture. I like that he is sitting on the couch with his "rocket blanket", which is definitely his favorite one.

Here is Jacob showing you his fish face. What a silly boy!

Then when Daddy came home we spent a relaxed evening together in the family room. One thing that I think is hilarious is when the boys watch Daddy play games on his phone. They especially like to watch him play "Angry Birds".

I have to admit that we actually all enjoy playing Angry Birds. We have it on our Mac and the boys like to watch us play and beg us to let them play too. :o)


  1. It's interesting to see how much guys like computer games. There must be something in their genes that makes them so fascinating.
    I remember when Jacob really liked puzzles. It must be a development thing or another genetic thing since you love puzzles too. I kind of like them, but not as much as you do.

  2. Puzzles are cool. That is impressive about Ephraim and his puzzle abilities.

  3. I love puzzles too! I wish I could do them more often. That's awesome that Ephraim can do a 60 piece puzzle. I am impressed!
