Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hello Snow, Goodbye Doctor!

This morning we woke to find a couple of inches of snow on the ground. Luckily Joe was planning to take the morning off to watch the boys while I went to my doctor's appointment. He waited to shovel the snow until after the boys were up and ready. Needless to say the boys were excited to go out and help shovel. Good thing too, because at 8 months pregnant, I am definitely not very helpful!

Jacob loves to shovel and be Daddy's helper. He does a pretty good job. Ephraim on the other hand is a little bit more of a wanderer. He wants to help too... for a little while.

It probably didn't help that Ephraim has had a bit of a cough and a runny nose ever since Sunday night/Monday morning. So far he doesn't have any croup symptoms, so hopefully it is just a cold that will go away quickly.

Aren't my boys so cute all bundled up? In the picture of Jacob below you can even see Daddy shoveling the sidewalks in the background.

The boys got tired of helping after a little while and wanted to play in the back yard. Here is Jacob making a snow angel.

It was actually cold enough that the boys didn't last long outside. By the time I was ready to leave for my appointment, they both were ready to come inside. Even Mount Timpanogos was looking chilly this morning!

This week my doctor's appointment was a little disappointing. They took my blood pressure twice. The first time my top number was a little high and the second time my bottom number was a little high. Bummer!

The doctor wanted to send me to the hospital for a non-stress test, but I told him I didn't really want to go. I am convinced that my blood pressure is fine when I am not at the doctor's office, and besides which this was my first "high" blood pressure of this pregnancy (and it was just barely too high).

So the doctor told me that I could come back in a week and if my blood pressure is high at that appointment, then they will send me to the AF hospital for a non-stress test. I said that would be fine with me. The doctor also said that if I have another high blood pressure, chances are they will want to induce me at 38 weeks instead of 39 weeks. So I sincerely hope I can lower my blood pressure by next week because my 38th week starts on March 8th and Ephraim's birthday is the 10th! I don't especially want to be in the hospital for Ephraim's birthday!

So hopefully we can wait until March 15th for the baby to come, which is when my 39th week starts. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens! In the meantime I am supposed to try to "take it easy" or as Joe suggested, "slow down a little bit". I guess we'll see if I can figure out how to do that with two boys, laundry, dishes, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, preschool, chauffeuring, and all the other stuff I usually do.

Who knew being a mom was so much work? (actually, I did!) I guess my house may not be as clean as I would like and I may have to let some things slide for a while.


  1. I know it's hard to slow down, especially with two little boys. I'll do what I can when I come down, but I know your list is stuff you do every day. All you can do is you best to try and take it easy and then it is what it is and you deal with it.

  2. I am glad you are keeping your blood pressure down. Not much longer and you will have a cutie pie to hold. You can do it!
