Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kindergarten Here We Come!

When did Jacob get so big?

Can you believe that today I took Jacob over to Mount Mahogany to register him for Kindergarten?! My little boy will be five years old in May and in the fall he will go to school.

We turned Jacob's registration papers in and then walked around the school. I showed Jacob where the Kindergarten classrooms are, and we peeked at the kids in the rooms. Then we went and looked at the playground. Jacob is SO excited to go to school! He can't wait!

Jacob is going to love school. I think preschool this year has been really great in helping Jacob be ready to go to school. He already knows his alphabet and the sounds that they make, and he is well on his way to being able to read. He can count past 20 and knows how to write his name. What a smart boy!


  1. I thing Jacob will do wonderfully in school. I can't wait to see all the things he learns.

  2. I'm so excited for him! He will love it!

  3. Jacob will do awesome in kindergarten! Micah is so excited too. He asks me every week if it's time to go yet. Only 5 1/2 months left....not that we are counting!
