Thursday, February 10, 2011

Silly boys

This morning I gave both the boys baths. When Jacob got out of the tub I told him to go get dressed. I figured there would be no problem because he basically gets dressed by himself every morning. Then after lunchtime Jacob went to the bathroom. He came up to me with a funny look and his face and told me, "Mommy! When I got dressed this morning I forgot to put on underwear! I haven't had any underwear on all day!" Apparently he had gone commando all morning! Silly boy. So I told him to go put some underwear on!


Last week we had playgroup, and Ephraim had a great time at his friend's house. When it was time to leave he really did not want to go home. As we were going out to the van he was throwing a bit of a fit. Teasingly I said to him, "Poor Ephraim, your life is over!" To which he replied, "No. My life is boring." That made me laugh so hard!


As I walked past Jacob and Ephraim's room I overheard the two of them telling each other knock-knock jokes.
Jacob: "Knock-knock. Now you say, 'who's there?'"
Ephraim: "Who's there?"
Jacob: "Garbage truck"
Ephraim: "Garbage truck, who?"
Jacob: "Garbage truck eats your banana peels!"
To which they both laughed like it was the funniest joke they had ever heard! What a pair of nuts.


Whenever we are at the church and Ephraim is thirsty, he tells me, "Mommy, I need a drink at the drinking mountain." This never fails to make me smile!


  1. I would love to have heard Jacob explain to Ephraim how to do a knock, knock joke.
    Your Dad and I had a good laugh over their laugh. Figure that one out.

  2. Oh, the made up knock knocks! Love them and hate them! Adore that story about Jacob!

  3. Great stories! I love what kids come up with!
