Monday, November 8, 2010

Tickled Pink!

Monday morning was the doctor's appointment that I have been waiting for.... the ultrasound! Hooray! I love it when you finally get to SEE the little person that has been kicking around inside for the past few months.

Joe and I were excited to get our first really good peek at the baby. I was especially excited to find out if Jacob and Ephraim would be getting a baby brother or sister.

Scheduling the ultrasound was a bit tricky. First of all, the receptionist was wrong about how many weeks I was (the ultrasound even says what I was trying to tell her!), so she wouldn't let me schedule the appointment until after November 5th. Then Joe has a consultant coming to work all week to work on setting up some software (starting on Tues.). So Monday was the only day that would work, except I was supposed to teach preschool that morning. Luckily Karyn was kind enough to cover the first part of preschool for me so I could got to the appointment.

Joe took the day off so he could come to the appointment, and we decided to take Jacob with us, since he is really excited about the baby and is old enough to hold still for the appointment. Ephraim doesn't really get what is going on, so we figured it would be easier not to take him, especially since we would get a DVD of the ultrasound we could show him later. So we dropped him off with Melinda and headed to the appointment.

It was wonderful to look at our new little one. Even better was the fact that the doctor said everything is looking good!

The doctor printed out tons of photos for us. Here is the baby's profile:

And here is a picture of the baby's face.

Of course the doctors check out all the vital parts, so here is a picture of the baby's spine, which looks great.

We also saw the baby's feet, which were so dang cute! I love that the doctor printed out this picture for us.

As always, they save the most exciting news for last. The doctor asked us if we had any guesses as to the baby's gender. I have felt all along that this pregnancy was a little different from the other two, so I thought we were having a girl. I didn't really want to guess and be wrong though!

It seems as though I was right! As you can see from the picture above, IT'S A GIRL!!!

So Jacob and Ephraim get a baby sister in March. Jacob was so excited when we found out! He did really well during the whole visit and I was really proud of him. Most of all I am excited that I get a little baby girl!! What an adventure it will be to have another girl in our house full of boys!


  1. Your Dad and I are tickled pink too. We are excited to welcome another grand daughter into the family. Especially since the boys have kind of taken over. With your baby it will be 8 grand sons and 7 grand daughter.
