Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Bunch of Turkeys

This week it was my turn to teach Jacob's preschool. The theme was jungle animals and I got to do the letters S and T. Since Karyn took over for me on Monday, I missed reading the stories, but I did make it back in time to help with the snake craft.

On Wednesday the letter was T. So we read books about Tigers and other jungle animals. Since it is close to Thanksgiving, I decided to send home an easy tiger mask to cut out and do a turkey craft while the kids were at my house.

So we made hand print turkeys and used a tracing of Jacob's shoe as the turkey's body. Since we used paint for the hands, I did one kid at a time until we were done. I think they turned out really cute!

I also made some really cute turkey snacks. Melinda is the one who showed these to me, and I thought they would be perfect for preschool.

I made them the night before and they turned out great! The kids just gobbled them up!

Unfortunately I was so busy with the kids that I didn't manage to take any pictures of them working on their crafts! Oh well!

Then this evening Joe continued working on the boys' room (he started yesterday evening). I told Joe that I wanted to paint one of the walls in the boys' room blue. He thought that it would be best to do it before we move Ephraim into Jacob's room. And while we were at it, he decided to paint the ceiling, mud the wall we are painting so it will be smooth, and tear out the corner by the closet and make it bull-nosed!

So Monday afternoon (after the ultrasound) we went shopping with Daddy and got all the supplies. We are painting the wall "To infinity and beyond" blue. I am sure the boys will love it!

So basically the boys' room is getting a makeover. Of course the boys want to be right there with Daddy, watching whatever he is doing. Tonight I ended up taking them on a "flashlight walk" in the dark in the cemetery so they could work out some of their excess energy while not bugging Daddy.

Then we had to come back and see what Daddy was up to. Do you like his little audience?


  1. That's way cute to see those boys watching their Dad. They taking lessons for when they need to paint.

  2. The turkey treats turned out terrific! You are cool!!
