Friday, November 12, 2010

Jumping in the Leaves

This week the weather has gotten cold! Consequently many of our trees are rapidly dropping their leaves. This evening before dinner Joe and the boys went out to rake leaves. In the back yard they raked up a pile big enough for the boys to jump in!

They were so excited to get to jump in the leaves! They jumped in over and over again, while Daddy fluffed the pile back up. Here is a good set of leaf-jumping shots:

There's the take-off, and Jacob jumps right in!

Ephraim soon follows and the leaves go flying!

What a funny pair of boys! Time to fluff the pile back up !

This time I told Jacob to jump in face first. He decided he would give it a try!

The look on his face in this next picture is so funny!

Then we buried the boys in the pile of leaves. Of course Daddy accidentally got some of the leaves on top of their faces-oops!

The boys had a great time playing in the leaves with Daddy!

I think they are both pretty darn cute too!

After this I left the boys to go get a haircut, and when I got home we had dinner. This evening the boys were playing and I noticed that Ephraim's pants had gotten a little worse for wear during the course of the day!

I guess it's a good thing that we are having a baby girl because at the rate Ephraim is going with pants we would have to buy new ones anyway!


  1. I used to love playing in the leaves as a girl. We'd go over to Porter Park and find the softest leaves. We'd make houses using leaves for walls and beds.

  2. I'm glad to know that we're not the only ones going through pants at such a swift rate!
