Saturday, June 26, 2010

Popsicles because the Pool is too Cool

I guess you can tell from my posts recently that the boys spend a lot of time in their swimming suits! At least they are having fun, right?

We spent the evening outside playing in the pool again. The wind kicked up a bit and the boys decided it was a bit chilly. So the boys got out of the water and sat on our porch swing in our towels.

I thought the two of them were so cute sitting there, so of course I took some photos of my cute blonde boys.

Of course since they were too cold to be in the water, the boys wanted to eat popsicles. I know, the logic of it all is beyond me too! Sillies!

So we got some of the yummy fruit Popsicles from our big freezer.

This time it was Daddy that took pictures of the boys with their Popsicles and towels. Ephraim picked grape and Jacob picked strawberry-yum!

I even sat on the swing with the boys and ate my popsicle. Of course Joe had to take a picture of all of us. In case you can't tell, I just got my hair cut short for the summer. This is how it looks when I just let it dry curly.

Joe likes it better curly, but I think I like it better straight. I'll have to post another picture of my hair when it is straight later.

So what do you think? Is my tongue orange? Is Ephraim's tongue purple? How about Jacob's? Actually, we weren't checking out our tongues... we were just sticking them out at Daddy! :o)


  1. Those popsicles sure look good! I'm glad you are enjoying summer.

  2. We did the exact same thing yesterday...freezing cold, wrapped in towels and eating popcicles! Your boys are too cute!
