Thursday, June 10, 2010

June 10- A Marked Day

Tuesdays and Thursdays are my aerobics days. We go to the church building at 9 a.m. and I work out while the boys play. Then usually when we get home I am all sweaty, so I need to take a shower.

Lately I have been letting the boys watch a half hour of t.v. while I shower. That way they are occupied and I can get dressed without fear they are going to do something they shouldn't.

Apparently on this particular day the t.v. show that the boys were watching was not entertaining enough for Ephraim. When I went downstairs to check on the boys I found that Ephraim had gotten into Jacob's markers and started on a little body art.

He colored all over his hands, and even got his face pretty colored up.

Nice goatee, Ephraim!

I don't know what possessed him to do this! He knows that we only color on paper. Maybe he just couldn't find any!

So I took him upstairs to wash up. Check out just how colored his hands were!

All I have to say is thank heaven for washable markers!


  1. This has happened at my house too. Don't you remember this being fun when you were little?

  2. I'm glad mine aren't the only ones who do this!!
