Wednesday, June 9, 2010

First Pool Day

Since Joe mowed the lawn last night, that meant we could set up the swimming pool! The boys were so excited! I think they almost had as much fun filling the pool as they did playing in it later in the day.

Before you ask, yes I did have to change them both out of their wet clothes after filling it up! But I didn't really mind.

Later in the evening after the water had a chance to warm up a little I put the boys in their suits and sent them out the pool. They were literally dancing with joy.

They ran around in the pool, played ring around the rosies, and had a great time splashing around. I thought the water was a little bit chilly, but they had a blast and didn't seem to mind the water temperature!

Ephraim was especially excited to play in the pool. I was excited because he can finally get in by himself without dumping out half of the water!

I think we will be playing in the pool quite a bit this summer because the boys loved it.

Unfortunately we only got to play in the pool on Wednesday and the water actually never got a chance to get warm because it was cold and it rained ...and rained... and RAINED! We were so bummed out! Saturday I emptied the pool and told the boys we would try again next week.


  1. What fun! Water in the summer is great!

  2. Looks like they are having a blast! I am glad that they have some way to escape the heat!
