Thursday, June 24, 2010

Markered Up and Bubble Cups

Apparently the new rule is that Mommy can't take a shower unless Ephraim is asleep or otherwise stuck in his room. After aerobics today I hopped in the shower so we could get ready to go to storytime at the library.

When I got out of the shower Jacob came and told me, "Mommy! Ephraim colored on the table with a pen from the drawer!"

Oh no!

I ran out to see what had happened. Ephraim didn't just color of the coffee table with a pen, he got a permanent marker out of the kitchen drawer and used that.

Needless to say, Mommy was NOT happy about that. I think Ephraim could tell that he was in trouble. He kept making this face so much that I just had to take a picture of him.

Doesn't he do a great job of sticking out that bottom lip? It is Ephraim's specialty!

Luckily I managed to look online and find out that you can get permanent marker off wood using toothpaste (that's what's on top of the marker in the picture above). So I cleaned the marker off and saved the coffee table (phew!).

We managed to make it to the library, which was a good thing because I needed a break at that point. The boys had fun listening to the stories, and got to make some fun bubble cups at the end. Check these out!

Don't they look like fun? They were so easy to make and the boys LOVED them.

We are having a great time at the library this summer. The boys love to go and I get to talk with my friend Karyn, which is fun for me too!

1 comment:

  1. Toothpaste! Go mommy! And those bubble cups are awesome.
