Monday, June 14, 2010

Tower of Chores

One of the boys favorite things to help me with is drying the dishes. So on Sunday after church Jacob asked if he could help me clean up. I am always willing to let them help me out!

I think Jacob likes to help dry the dishes partially to see how high he can stack the dry dishes! Just check out the tower he made of all the cups and bowls.

Wow, huh? He is always disappointed when I go over and "steal" dishes from his stack to put them away. So far we haven't ever had a dish tower topple over on us. I don't know if that is Jacob's good engineering, or my quick reflexes!

One of my favorite things to do is hang clothes out to dry. I find it to be strangely relaxing. The boys can play in the sand while I can be productive. Plus I usually fold the clothes while I take them down, so it seems to get the laundry done faster

Can you tell what kind of load I was doing today?

Is it just me, or is laundry on the line pretty to look at too?

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