Friday, September 30, 2011

First Food

I finally got around to feeding Amelia something besides formula. It was funny because looking back through my photos of Jacob and Ephraim, I discovered that I was feeding them cereal at 5 months old. Amelia is nearly 7 months old now, so it was about time!

At first she wasn't quite sure what to think about it... but she knew that she liked the spoon!

She kept trying to grab it out of my hand, so I finally let her have it. Isn't she super-cute?

In the end it seems that she liked the oatmeal we gave her. Just check out the smile on her face!


  1. Oatmeal is much better than rice cereal. She is a lucky girl to start off with the good stuff!

  2. That's great that she likes food. 7 months already! Where has the time gone?

  3. Before you know it, she'll be sitting at the table with you for every meal! I can't believe how fast she is growing.
