Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Growing Teeth is Hard Work!

Poor Amelia! We are pretty sure that she is working on some teeth. Her nose has been a little runny, and she has been drooling like crazy. Not to mention being a little crankier than usual.

Yesterday she took some really good naps. She was asleep enough that I sneaked into her room to take pictures. I guess all that fussing and growing teeth made her pretty tired! With our new schedule she gets a chance at a nap in the morning after we drop Jacob off at Kindergarten, and then again in the afternoon when both the boys are home. She often takes a late evening nap as well.

Here she is this morning:

She was wearing a headband, which messed up her hair a bit. But you can see how long it is getting!

Here she is later that same day. This time she fell asleep wearing her headband. I have been trying to get her used to them so she will let me make her pretty when she is a toddler!

Isn't she just the sweetest thing ever?

Makes you want to come over to our house and hold a cute baby, doesn't it?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it really makes me want to come over and hold Amelia! She is so cute and growing like a little weed.
