Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Evening at the park

For my public blog I have been participating in several photo hunts or challenges. I find that they help me to try to take better pictures. It is also fun to try to find the items I need to take pictures of. This week one of my challenges included a "street photography" prompt, so I took the boys downtown to take some pictures. They were happy to run down the street with me and be my pedestrians.

I had Amelia in our little stroller, and the boys wanted to push her. I had them take turns pushing her down the street, which they thought was so much fun!

After walking down the street, we walked to the nearby park. Joe was working late and the boys wanted to play for a while, which was fine by me. Amelia got tired after a while and I managed to get her to fall asleep in my arms. Isn't she cute?

The sunset on the way home was gorgeous! I took the boys to Maceys to get some ice cream and had to stop and take pictures of the sunset in the parking lot. So beautiful!

I also ended up taking a picture of the full moon this week. I think it turned out rather nicely.

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