Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Amelia at 6 months

Can you believe that my baby is six months old already?

Oh my goodness, what a sweet girl! I took her six month photos this morning and I love how they turned out. The best part of taking your own photos is catching your kids when you know they are happy.

Of course I had to try different hair accessories, but you can see that she is getting quite the head of hair!

The hardest part was getting her to hold still! She desperately wanted to grab the sign next to her. She has discovered that paper is fun to play with.

This time I took some head shots that I really love. Check out all the hair on this girl!

I cannot even tell you how happy we are to have Amelia as part of our family. She brightens our days and truly is our little sunshine!

It is amazing to watch her grow and see all the things she is learning! She has become more comfortable on her tummy, and can actually roll from her back to her tummy and then back again. Luckily for me, she has not quite figured out how to use rolling as a mode of transportation yet. I have a feeling we are going to have to childproof the house soon.

We love you Miss Amelia! We look forward to watching you grow through all the milestones to come!


  1. I can't believe Ameilia is 6 months old! She is so much fun. I loved coming down and getting to know her again.
