Thursday, August 11, 2011

Last day of swimming lessons

Hooray! Today was the last day of swimming lessons!!

I think I am the only one in the house who is excited for swimming to be over. Of course the boys absolutely LOVE swimming lessons, but it is definitely a mommy-killer. The effort required to get everyone dressed and ready every day, sitting out in the heat, and getting everyone home and dry... I get exhausted just thinking about it!

Today I got some great shots of the kids. They have been talking about going down the water slide all week!

Ephraim loved the slide and kept asking his teacher to go down "one more time!". Of course once in a while he had to wait while someone else had a turn.

But he did get to go down at least three times and loved every minute of it!

My favorite picture of the day actually wasn't even one of my kids. Since I have such a great camera that is wicked-fast, I end up taking pictures of everyone else's kids on the water slide too. I think this picture of Ephraim's friend Clara going down the slide is absolutely awesome!

I was glad that this time Jacob got to go down the slide three or four times. He had so much fun!

The classes are sent to the slide in shifts, so when it is not your turn for the slide you get to swim in the big pool. Here is Jacob working on his crawl stroke.

And I got the best picture of Ephraim while they were playing "Alligator, Alligator, What time is it?". Ephraim was the alligator, so he was in the middle of the pool all by himself. He was having fun, so I caught him with a great smile.

Looking at these pictures almost makes me sad that swimming lessons are over... almost! But I think I can handle waiting another year before we do it again! I was so proud of the progress the boys made this summer. Ephraim actually passed Level 1, so he will be in Level 2 with Jacob next summer. I am sure they won't end up in the same class since Jacob is quite a bit ahead as far as skill goes. He will probably pass Level 2 next year!


  1. Swimming lessons look like so much fun, it makes you wish you were a kid again.

  2. That picture of Clara is HILARIOUS!! You are a good mommy to endure two sessions!
