Sunday, June 12, 2011

Amelia Jane Devereaux

Sunday when Amelia was dressed up I decided to try to get some good photos of my baby girl. They turned out pretty well and I only had to do a little color editing in Photoshop to get them to look right.

Isn't she a gorgeous baby? At first she didn't know what to think of the camera, so it took me a while to get her to smile for me, but it was totally worth it, don't you think?

What a happy girl!
This next one is my favorite photo. I love her cute grin even though she is sticking her tongue out a little bit!

So here is my Amelia just before she was three months old. She looks so different than she did when she was born! I think there is a definite resemblance between Amelia and the boys. The only thing we can't figure out just yet is the brown hair she is growing!


  1. She's going to be a knock out when she gets older. She looks great in that red dress!

  2. Love that dress and love the pics!
