Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Unbeleafable FHE!

What a wet weekend! It was cloudy every day and rained every day! We mostly stayed inside. Then on Monday it finally warmed up a little bit. For our family night activity we all went outside to help Daddy rake up some of the leaves that have fallen off the trees.

Just check out my leaf raking crew!

I would have helped, but we only have one big rake and two smaller ones. Oh well! So I was left to watch and take pictures.

Jacob is turning into quite the little helper! He understands the purpose of what we are doing and can even rake leaves into a pile by himself. He is even helpful enough to trade rakes with Ephraim when he wants to try out a different one.
It is a good thing we had enough rakes that Ephraim could have one too! He desperately wanted to help, although mostly his help amounted to following Jacob around and trying to copy him or walking through the piles of leaves Daddy had just raked up!

At least he wants to help, right? One day Joe will have quite the yard crew!

1 comment:

  1. That's a good family home evening project, one you can do every year. :-)
