Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pizza, Peppers and Poor Ephraim

What a week we are having. First of all our weekend trip left me pretty wiped out, so on Monday I didn't get too much done. Maybe it has something to do with being four months pregnant, driving 6 hours to Vegas, riding 42 miles in Viva Bike Vegas on Saturday, and then driving home on Sunday.

It may also have had something to do with the fact that preschool was at my house on Monday, so I was busy all morning. The letter of the day was K and the topic was dinosaurs. We had a great time reading dinosaur stories and playing with all of our plastic dinosaurs. Then for our craft we read the story Katy-No-Pocket and made a kangaroo with a joey in it's pouch. I also photocopied a little dinosaur craft for then to cut and color at home.

So of course on Wednesday we also had preschool here. Each week on Wednesday Ephraim also has his very own playgroup. It is held during preschool, so I get to go with Ephraim on the weeks I don't teach. This week Karyn took him to playgroup while I taught Jacob's preschool.

This time it was the letter L. We talked about Librarians, which was perfect for me! We read some really fun library books (from the library and about the library!), including Library Lion. Then we made paper plate lions, which turned out really cute.

Before preschool was quite over Karyn came back with Ephraim. It seems he had been playing fine and then had suddenly gotten pale and just wanted to cuddle with Karyn. Plus he started running a fever. Sure enough he was pretty hot when she brought him home. So I gave him a Motrin and he wanted to go to bed, so I let him.

He slept quite a bit that day. We got him up once in the evening, at which point he threw up while sitting on my lap. Luckily most of it went into his blanket. After that he seemed to feel a little bit better.

Today we are staying home because we are giving Ephraim time to recover. He seems to be feeling better and is just a bit tired. He had a piece of toast for breakfast and then demanded I give him a bowl of cheerios too. I guess that is a sign he must be feeling better.

This afternoon while I was working on the computer, Jacob was playing chef in the kitchen. Just check out the lovely pizza he made me!

Ephraim took an early nap and wanted to spend some time just chilling out in front of the TV for a bit. He was drinking juice and eating crackers, which helped him get some energy back.

By the time Daddy came home from work Ephraim was feeling much better! Jacob and Daddy went out and picked some peppers and tomatoes from our garden. It is starting to get pretty cold at night, and we don't want them to freeze!

Some of our peppers are HUGE! Check out this one that is about as big as Ephraim's head!

We got nearly a bushel of peppers. We will definitely cut them up and freeze them. Then I use them all winter when I made things like fajitas and pizza.

Jacob decided that some of the peppers were shaped like phones. So he and Daddy had to call each other on their pepper phones!

Hello Jacob! Isn't Daddy a good sport to play along? We tried to get a photo of Ephraim talking on his pepper phone too, but apparently he didn't feel like having his picture taken just then!

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